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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Buckle Up!

How much are u worth? I meant your life? I am very sure all of u will say my life is worthless, priceless in fact! How can u put a value on your life? So how do u feel when u read about news on road accident on how so & so have died due to road accident? How do u feel when if it happens that u knows the driver of the car which is involved in the accident?

I do across cases where the driver & in most cases passengers of car accident are in bad shape & in some cases died because they did not use seat belt! Is it that difficult to buckle up? Yes! I know it restrict movement but it is a habit which we must instill in ourselves! Remember ur life is more important then freedom to scratch ur itchy butt! That is for adult.

How about kids? I am sure it is even more difficulties to ask kids to buckle up. But have a look at car seat for toddler! With car seat for toddler I am very sure ur kids will love it! All kids want to feel they are special & so seating on this car seat for toddler will definitely make them feel so good & special! Beside this, seat belt in car are normally adult sized so it is not suitable for kids & so, the problem of asking kids to buckle up & their safety is being solved!

All rear seat passengers must use rear seat belt beginning this month in Malaysia! Well it has being a few weeks now since it has come into force. I have being asking all my rear passengers in my car to buckle up & so far so good but whenever I saw policemen on the road I have to make sure that my rear passanger buckle up! How about my dear readers? Have u buckle up uself?


L'abeille said...

I was just wondering how about family with alot of kids and they're driving a 4 seater car... Not enough seatbelts behind to bring everybody out kai kai wor...

Horny Ang Moh said...

That is why this year got proton MPV!! So how many kids u plan to have???

L'abeille said...

Hahaha... How many? It depends how many people one xtrail and a aveo can carry.. *cabut*

Horny Ang Moh said...

Hi L'abeille! Wah! U r going to have 5 kids! That is very good! Keep up the good work! Bolehland need more good people like u! He! He!
Have a very nice day!