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Friday, October 31, 2008

DIY Cleaning Toshiba Air-Con

Almost everyone have one or two air-con at home nowadays as it is now very cheap to buy an air-con. It is cheap to buy but the running cost depend on the brand and the air-con condition. Dirty ac is not efficient hence ur electricity bill will go up, ur ac will work extra hard 2 keep u cool in the long run increase the noise level of ac and workload of ac part. The following is mine own diy way of cleaning ac. This is one way to save monies & most importantly u can be sure that ur air-con are really clean.

1. Take off the ac cover thus exposing the inner part especially the cooling fin.

2.Cover up the ac electrical part with plastic bag. After that use water 2 hose down the cooling fin with water, made sure the water pressure is no high or else u will flatten the cooling fins. Use dishes cleaner or liquid soap 2 clean the cooling fin using soft brush, I use the largest water color brush to applied on the cooling fins then hose clean with water. Of course the water will flow onto the floor so I have rectangle container below the ac.

3.Clean the ac cover & filter & left it out 2 dry.

4.Now for ac outside units take off the covering & the fan exposing the evaporating fin. Hose clean with water first inside out then from behind the ac units.Clean the covering & fan.

After all the above u just reassembler back every thing. U will fine ur ac now cooler & not so noisy. I basically do the above every 3 months. I clean the air filter every 2 weeks.

Kindly noted that u can do the above if ur air-con outside unit is located in a accessible location. In my case I have purposely installed my air-con outside unite just 7 feet above ground level. Hence cleaning air-con outside unite is a easy job. He! He! But installing air-con outside in this low position invited thief to steal ur air-con outside unit ( Oh! Yes there have being cases of thief stealing air-con! ).

If u lived in an apartment or condominium please leave the cleaning of the air-con cleaning to professional! Well to all my dear readers that is one way to save some monies. Oh BTW I shall NOT be responsible for any 'accident' if u do try out the DIY! He! He!


pearly said...

you are a good men ! most of the men in malaysia will pay some one to do the job .
lucky we have no AC in UK BUT IF I have one ..... will be the hubby doing the job not me heheheh!

Horny Ang Moh said...

Hi Pearly! Uk no use AC??? What about summer time??? Not hot arrr???

Unknown said...

Doing some stuff like what you did is quite interesting especially when you don't have any work at home. Cleaning our split system air conditioner is a great idea, in that case, the unit got cleaned and it will blew fresh and cool air for theirs no more dust blocking inside.

Charlotte J. Gulledge said...

If you’re depending on one window unit to cool a large space you’ll have to experiment with the thermostat setting as the temperature will vary depending on where you are in the room.

HornyAngMoh said...

Wow! It has being a long time since I have post up on my blog........A post 10 years ago! Anyway that Tos Air con is long gone replace by a Panasonic unit. Nowadays quite lazy only clean my air-con once a year.