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Wellcum To All My Dear Readers! If this site is too boring then poke into ' My Other 'Unrated' site' Where u can find all my 'juicy' & educational' pokeing posts! Not suitable for kids & 'innocence' ladies! He! He! If u find no new pst in this site it meant I am busy posting on 'My Other 'Unrated' site' !

Thursday, March 6, 2008

20 Hor ny Answers !

I got asked by the following 20 questions:-

1. What is your dream during your childhood?
I dream of being a Commando! I will be a great hero & save a few hot chick! After saving her I will be pokeing her either in the jungle or on the beach ( These are the two most popular venues for pokeing as shown in most movies! )!

2. Are you happy at this point in your life?
I am a simple fellow! Got full stomach & a gf for me to love & poke! So I am happy.........But if I compare myself to others then I am not so happy! Other people get to eat lobsters everyday while I have not eaten a lobster for the past 5 years! Other people get to poke different hot chicks every days while I have only poke one chick for goodness know how long ( I will be in deep shi*t if gf know this! )! Yes! I will be happy if I don't compare to others!

3. Which colour you like most? Black or White?
Black lah! I like black as dirty u also don't know! Black undies look very hot on any ladies unless the ladies is also black! Then she wear or no wear make no different!

4. Who would I marry to?
Gf loh whom I have being pokeing for so long! She have sacrificed so much of her times, energies & her body for me that I am indebted to her ( Actually if I don't marry her I will be killed by her huge relatives! )! But if I have not tried myself to her I will like to marry a very rich women! I don't mind being a 'small white face' ( direct translated from Mandarin, which meant I am being bought by a rich women ) so long as I got to live the life of a rich as*shole ( Yes! I will be kill by gf if she know this! )!

5. Where is the place you wanted to go most? Why?
Paris! It is a beautiful city! Ok! Ok! That is not the real reason! I don't give a toot about Paris being beautiful! The real reason is french ladies! French ladies are well know for their beauty & most importantly for their pokeing skill! I will certainly like to poke a few french ladies & learn new pokeing skill ( Any French ladies among my readers? I am most willing to be ur pokeing students! )!!!

6. Which part of you that you love the most?
I am 'Hor*ny Ang Moh'! Which part??? My 'bro/equipment' of cause! I cannot be hor*ny if I don't take good care & love my 'bro'! Don't u think so?

7. What are you scared to lose the most?
I wake up in pain! When I look down I am all bloody down under! I look up to see gf laughing evilly & in her hand she has one big bloody scissor! She has discovered that I have being pokeing around! Being a lady she has decided to cut off my 'bro'! My 'bro' belong to her & her along only!!! This is what I am most scared to lose! If this really happen.........I just don't what to do ( Any suggestion from my dear readers? )! That is why I don't dare to poke around!

8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her? Or just keep secret in heart, observing by yourself?
Lowly educated fellow like me is not good with words, in fact a few of my readers already complained that my English is terrible, horrible & vegetable so how to confess to her I love her? Never mind instead to telling her I will poke her! Yes! Action speak louder then words! If I poke a lady it meant I love her! If I poke her all the time it meant I love her all the time! If I poke her strong strong it meant I love her strong strong. All my pokeing actions is an indication of my love! So this show how 'simple' a fellow I am!

9. What are the requirements that you wish for your another half?
She must be a lady of cause! That meant outwardly got see 'nen nen' ( bre*ast ), long leg & she must be a good cook! Underneath after undress must also got poosie so that I can do pokeing! It will be terrible if I discovered that underneath what I got she also got except with a bigger 'nen nen' ( This is what my friend discovered while having a pokeing session in Thailand! I sure hope this don't happen to me! )!!!

10. Which type of person you hate most?
The type who poke ur backside! Both physically & verbally! This sort of fellow is most dangerous! In front of u, will polished ur 'ball' until it is as shinny as a star but once behind ur back to ur boss this fellow will poke ur backside until ur backside is like flower in full bloom!

11. What is your ambition?
To have a happy life! For me to have a happy life meant to have lots of monies & to poke around of cause!

12. What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad.
When a fellow got & poke behind people backside that fellow is a bad fellow!

13. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
The dream to strike a big lottery ticket price! With the monies won all my wishes will be fulfilled!

14. What do you think is most important in your life?
To have an enjoyable life & try my best not to be an as*shole to other people!

15. Who’s your favourite cartoon character?
Duffy duck! 'Suffering suckerattack!!!'

16. What will you do if the world ends tomorrow?
I will say 'OMG the world will be gone 2morrow! What don't we poke now!' To all the hot ladies I meet!

17. Do you think people who wears fake eyelashes are hot?
If they r hot, they r hot! Nothing to do with eyelashes or no eyelashes! Applicable to ladies only!!!

18. Do you like smelling your own fart?
Who the poke ask this question! Like it or not still have to smell unless I face the winds.

19. Would you suck someone’s finger?
No problem! If that someone is a hot lady ( Not applicable for guy! )! I do her finger & she do my 'bro'!!! Fair or not???

Here's my question,

20. Do u like a clean shaven poosie or poosie in its natural state?
As for me like clean shaven poosie! All the reasons is in this post!

This is actually a tag as requested by this Handsome Gentlemen ! Want to do this tag?

The rules are to choose and remove one question from the 20 above. Add one of your own question, making it a total of 20 questions. Link to the person who tagged you. Tag 8 people and list them out at the end of this post.

To all my readers, feel free to do the tag if u like! Have a nice day & do drop urs comments!


[fong88] said...

if poking indicate love, then we have "lovers" all ard our country..hahahahahhaha...

Horny Ang Moh said...

Hi Fong88! He! He! Yalloh! Then we will be better off living in bolehland instead of having so many problem!

chartao said...

it seems tiring to answer all these questions, it would give me headaches!

nevertheless, you did a great job!!

Horny Ang Moh said...

Hi Leonard! Wellcum! Tq for ur comment! Have a nice day!

(T) (H) (B) said...

What abt waxed pussy?

Horny Ang Moh said...

Hi Hb! Waxed poosie! I asked already! Dam painful & expensive! Beside this, have to waxed about every 2 weeks ( I don't fancy other people looking at gf poosie every 2 weeks!!!)!
How about u?? U try waxed poosie???