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Wellcum To All My Dear Readers! If this site is too boring then poke into ' My Other 'Unrated' site' Where u can find all my 'juicy' & educational' pokeing posts! Not suitable for kids & 'innocence' ladies! He! He! If u find no new pst in this site it meant I am busy posting on 'My Other 'Unrated' site' !

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The End Of 'Hor ny Ang Moh'!!! Under Lock-Up!!!

Do u know how it feel to be in a lock up? For minor crime u will be lock up in a small room together with all sort of Tom, Dick & Harry in a big cell. For serious crime u will be lock up alone or with a few other fellows who have committed serious crime like u.

Regardless of which rooms u r locked in u r still in a lock up! That meant no freedom, worse still u have to watch ur backside! U might be poke from behind at any moment! Whatever u do will be very restricted! Why, even if u got itchy 'ball' u can't even scratch it as other inmates will be more then happy to scratch it for u!!!

This is how I feel! I feel I am in a big lock up! I can't do anything! I can't poke! I try all that I know! I send email! I even beg until the 'cow cum home'! I am Innocent! I am clean! I am caught for a crime I didn't committed! Why, I don't even know got such crime! This is done by someone or something! And I got the full 'shi*t' face on! Why so unfair wan! I am the good guy ( Oh! Well maybe I am a bit 'hor ny' but I am still a good guy! )!!!

This is what happen!!!

'This blog has been locked by Blogger's spam-prevention robots. You will not be able to publish your posts, but you will be able to save them as drafts.'

This message greet me when I want to do posting in my old site! 'Spam-prevention robot'??? What the POKE does that meant??? Ehhhhh!!! Actually what does 'spam' meant any way ( Sorry if I ask this stupid question as I am really blur to all this! )?

First I am being attached by 'flu' virus which cause me to have a hyper speed 'running' nose ( So I can't poke for a few days! ) then my site get attached by this 'Spam prevention robot'!!! This effectively meant I can't post up any entries which meant the pre-mature death of 'Hor ny Ang Moh'!!!

I am hopping mad ( Try to image a monkey with his 'ball' on fire! )! I can't post up any entries! It happen that my last entry is about me being sick! Being an active pokeing fellow with no activities since 18-01-08 I am sure some of my readers thought I am dead & gone for good! This call for desperate measure!

So I have no choice but to move into this new home ( I am actually a homely guy! I hate moving house! In real life I have move house 3 times & I hated it! )! I am sorry that my first post in my new 'home' is a big rant! But seriously don't u think I am just like in a lock up??? I think a seance in Resident Evil where all the zombie want to get into the fence up building is a good description on how I feel like!

To all my regular readers I wellcum u all with open arms & legs! To new readers I also wellcum u with everything open! Have a nice day to all!


Helen said...

I see what you mean. You started another blogger blog, right? hahahaha

I guess I should congratulate you on your virgin post. :-P

Zheng WuLeow said...

I feel for you man. Treat it as a New Year change for the better ba :D

Like what a wise old man from China said: "jiu de bu qu, xin de bu lai"

All the best!

Horny Ang Moh said...

Hi! Helen! He! He! First comment & poke from U! Tq for dropping in!

Hi suspicious man! Tq tq for dropping in! Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

aik .. why change lerr???

Jian Akiraceo (Miao) said...

oh my...
wth is tat spam prevention thingy..
if mine kena locked up...then really shit lor..

Horny Ang Moh said...

Hi Cibol! Aiyoh! Don't lock for how long wan! Cannot post! So can see but no poke!!!No post my reader thought I died loh!!

Hi Jian! That is why now got word verification! U better change ur setting too!

Satkuru said...

i never knew such thing even existed. never send email to them ar?

don't worry ler, you reader won't think you died of flu, lol. probably they will be thinking the other way round which is, maybe he is busy poke-ing :P

L'abeille said...

Wah new year...new home! hehe

Can you transfer all your post to this new one? Kena blocked also?

It's ok..it's a new beginning :)

Jian Akiraceo (Miao) said...


if i didnt get any spam comment then no worries right?

unless... it came and comment 20 comments a time.. swt

Horny Ang Moh said...

Hi Satkuru! Me too donnot got such things wan! Email to them no respond! Still lock up!

Hi labeille! Can transfer but 186 post bor??? So many but comment I think cannot transfer!

Hi Jian! He! He! Cross ur finger!

Sue said...

Have you tried everything liao ah? I ask my hubby see he can help ka...

Horny Ang Moh said...

Hi Sue! Wellcum! Tq for ur comment & help! My old site now under 'review' so still under lock!!! Aiyoh how to post up pokeing entry????