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Monday, December 1, 2008

DIY Cleaning National Air-Con

Ok! Another DIY post! Well I do like to DIY whenever possible as I like to save some monies & of cause being a fussy fellow I like to get a job done to my satisfaction! This is my DIY National Air-Con, in this previous post I blog about DIY Toshiba ir-Con cleaning ( I got 4 air-con at home ). So this is how I spend my weekend, cleaning my very dirty National air-con.

As shown it is very dirty, the filter is clog with dust & even fine hair!!The cooling fins is being coated with dirt as well, no wander it is no so cool nowadays. Taking the whole casing apart only involve removing 4 screws. Two for the main cover, one to remove the lovern motor & one earthing screw. I have to remove the lovern assembly as I have to clean the blower fan's fin located inside the air-con unit as clean fan' fin is more efficient & quiet. Care must be taken when removing the lovern as it is secure by ledge. Normally air con cleaning just involve cleaning the filter & cooling fins, since I am doing the cleaning myself I might as well do a good job & give it a completed clean out.

Shown above the cleaned air-con part & cooling fins. Before cleaning the cooling fin made sure that you cover up the electrical board with plastic bag. Normally I use dishes washer to clean the various part but I sometime use liquid soap as it give a nice smell after that. I clean the cooling & blower fan fins using brush & sponges & clean off using garden hose ( after cleaning the air-con the room is almost flooded hence I end-up cleaning the room as well ).

Now for outside unit. To take out the fan I have to disassembler the casing which is a weird 2 blade design, so I might take apart its casing total number of screws is 14 plus one nut for the fan propeller. Now cleaning the cooling fins is easier using brush, dish washer & spraying it clean using garden hose. Care must be taken when taking apart the casing to avoid cut.

I have made a pervious entry on cleaning air-con, but on that occassion I am clean Toshiba air-con. It is much easier to clean Toshiba then National air-con. in term of usage I perfer Toshiba air-con to National now known as Panasonic. The whole process of cleaning air-con took me half a day.

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